On July 22, a presentation of the Regional Waste Management Plan in the Khmelnitsky region until 2030 was held in Khmelnitsky.
The Regional Waste Management Plan in Khmelnitsky region was developed and presented with the expert support of the international company SEURECA (Veolia Group), which operates in different countries of the world, within the framework of the project “SMW management in Khmelnitsky” of the EBRD Green Cities 2 Framework Program at the expense of a grant provided by the EU neighborhood investment fund.
The purpose of this event was to present the main technical and financial developments of the revised version of the project
Regional Waste Management Plan (RPV) in Khmelnitsky region, get final approval of the proposed approaches and scenarios for the future regional waste management system. As well as contribute to the mobilization of local resources for the successful implementation of RPV.
Representatives of key stakeholders were invited to participate - decision makers at the national, regional and local levels (Ministry of Environmental Protection and natural resources of Ukraine, Ministry of development of communities and territories of Ukraine, Khmelnitsky regional state administration, Khmelnitsky Regional Council, EBRD, regional regulators and state institutions, district
state administrations, territorial communities( TG); representatives of the largest waste generating enterprises, companies dealing with waste management issues (Veolia Ukraine, etc.), municipal enterprises, companies engaged in waste processing, including medical institutions, research institutions and educational institutions, business support structures (CCI), public
The expected results of the seminar were achieved:
● A wide range of stakeholders are familiar with potential options for measures and
RPV capabilities.
● A common vision of the regional waste management system has been achieved; options have been agreed upon,
proposed RPVs.
● An understanding of mutual and personal responsibility has been achieved and shared by all participants
for joint success in creating an eco-friendly waste management system.
We express our sincere gratitude to the SEURECA (Veolia Group) team for their excellent work and a new level of guidance in preparing regional plans.